Glynn County Schools’ benchmark of 1% of students and faculty testing positive for COVID-19 was achieved today, so the school system will move to Phase Yellow starting tomorrow, tentatively until August 27th.
Phase Yellow is to be enacted for a school if the school achieves 2% positivity or for the system if the entire system achieves 1% positivity. Currently the Glynn School system is at 1.57%.
Phase Yellow calls for targeted closures and operates in several areas of student/school life:
Before Leaving Home
-All students and staff must stay home if they have tested positive for COVID-19 or awaiting results.
-Hand sanitizer, masks, and any other appropriate PPE are provided to staff as supplies allow
-When notified of direct exposure, students must meet quarantine guidelines.
Transporting Students
-Field trips are limited
-"Safe" behaviors are encouraged at bus stops.
Serving Meals
-Limited menu with Grab-N-Go items is implemented
-Alternate meal schedules deployed to stagger class visits to cafeteria, with others eating in the classroom
-Continue to follow the Glynn County Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Food Safety Plan
Prevention and Safety
-Masks are required inside school facilities
-Access for nonessential visitors and volunteers is restricted
-Classwork for quarantined students will be available via Google Classroom.
-Virtual meeting options reinstated
-Seating capacity to events is limited
Physical and Distancing Operations
-Establish entrance/exit procedures to avoid unnecessary gatherings
-Staggered class changes and use of playground space
-Signage posted in high-traffic areas and updated often
-Nonessential visitors and volunteers required to wear masks
Learning and Instruction
-Assign/reassign staff responsibilities to meet learner needs
-Unused desks and classroom furniture are removed to maximize distancing
-Class change interactions reduced/ cross-group movement limited to staff
-Virtual options available for group or partner work
-School closures will be determined by the district
The hardest-hit schools so far are Brunswick High at 2.6%. CB Greer and Sterling Elementary are also over 2%. Many schools in the district are still under 1% infected. If the system gets to 3% or if any individual school gets to 5%, Phase Red will be enacted, which will involve distance learning.
More as the story unfolds.