Glynn County school system offer in-person instruction or distance learning

Glynn County School officials are in the process of working out the details of the upcoming 2020-2021 school year. They announced to Facebook Tuesday that parents will have the option of choosing face-to-face instruction or learning at home.

“As we begin preparing for the start of the 2020-21 school year, we know that we will soon face the enormous task of safely reopening our schools while, once again, navigating the educational terrain of this pandemic,” wrote schools superintendent Scott Spence in a letter sent to parents and guardians Tuesday. “However, we also recognize that returning to a school building in this current climate has left many of our families with feelings of uneasiness.”

School begins August 11, 2020 and parents/guardians who opt for the online learning option must fill out a virtual learning registration form for each student. All registration forms are due before 6 pm on July 12.

The school also warns that those who opt for virtual learning will be committing to at least nine weeks of virtual lessons at home for elementary and middle school students or one full semester for high school students.

New students need to schedule an appointment with the central registration office to enroll, then they may submit a virtual learning form.

Students new to the school system and not enrolled need to schedule an appointment with the central registration office before submitting the virtual learning registration form.

“We understand the challenges of virtual learning and want to support our students in creating a manageable, organized framework for themselves,” Spence said. “We look forward to hearing from you and working together to plan for our students’ individual and collective success in the new school year.”

See the full post below.

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