District delays start of school toAug. 20
Brunswick, Ga.–Glynn County Schools remains committed to taking all necessary precautions and measures to preserve the safety of our students and community.
At the Special-Called Board meeting on July 21, 2020, the Glynn County Board of Education voted unanimously to approve a delayed start to the school year. The 2020-2021 school year will beginon Thursday, Aug. 20, rather than the original start date scheduledTuesday, Aug. 11, to give our students, staff and families time to prepare for the upcoming year. The revised calendar also includes a teacher workdayon Tuesday, Nov. 3(General Election Day).
The school year will conclude in Glynn Countyon Thursday, May 27, 2021. Short breaks in October, February and March for teacher workdays and professional development, as well as a full-week break in November for the Thanksgiving holiday and full-week break in April for Spring Break will remain.
As we inch closer to the start of the 2020-2021 school year, we will continue to provide updates and share information as we receive them from local and regional health agencies on our website,www.glynn.k12.ga.us, through the One Call Now automated calling system, and on our social media platforms. To ensure that you receive these important messages, please make sure your child’s school has your current contact information on file.