Sherry Coleman, wife of County Commissioner At Large Bob Coleman pled guilty to 14 of the 15 charges against her and Commissioner Coleman today. Commissioner Coleman has maintained his innocence from the start. Mrs. Coleman pled guilty to five charges of insurance fraud, involving the issuance of four fraudulent certificates and one homeowner who discovered she was not covered when she reported a claim. The other nine charges were reporting violations, each a misdemeanor.
Coleman and her husband were slated to stand trial Monday, after an attempt to separate the charges against the pair failed. The charges against Bob Coleman were dropped shortly after.
Mrs. Coleman was sentenced to five years probation plus 90-100 days detention on each count of insurance fraud, to be served concurrently. She will remain free until a bed is available. An attempt at a plea deal was made prior to the court date, which would have meant a 20-year sentence with five years served on the fraud counts and three years on the reporting crimes, but it was rejected.
Mrs. Coleman will also have to pay a $1000 fine, payable over two years, and will have to make restitution of an amount between $6500 and $11,600. If a firm number cannot arrived at in 45 days, there will be a restitution hearing.