IPC Votes Against Venue

Last night, in a meeting that took less time than it did to have the invocation and say the pledge of Allegiance, the Island Planning Commission voted 4-2 to recommend denial of a Special Use Permit for an event venue on Lawrence Rd. on the north end of St. Simons Island. The application was heard by the IPC last month and then remanded back to them by the County Commission on a technicality. The first time the IPC failed to take an official action, which is required by county ordnance. IPC member Ed Meadows, who opposed the application the first time, was absent last night, opening the door for a potential 3-3 vote, which would again have resulted in ‘no action’ being taken. IPC member Joel Willis, who voted in favor of the application the first time, voted against it last night. Explaining his vote Willis said he voted against it in order to move the application forward to the County Commission. He said it was not fair to the applicant to continue holding them up with a tie vote.  

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