Tuesday night island resident Julian Smith, who recently announced his intention to run for Mark Stambaugh’s at-large seat on the Glynn County Commission, was escorted out of the Island Planning Commission meeting in handcuffs by police. Smith had been speaking in opposition to a Special Use Permit application for an event venue on the north end of St. Simons when the IPC chairman told him his time was up. Smith loudly disagreed saying the chairman’s watch was wrong. So he was granted more time to speak. The next time the chairman told him his time was up, Smith became irate and again shouted that he would not sit down nor stop talking. At this point, the chairman ruled him out of order and requested the county police officer to escort him out. In the end the IPC voted 4 to 3 to recommend denial of the Special Use permit for the event venue. It will now go the full county commission for review and a final decision.