18 year old Clayton Rowland Cowman was arrested at his St. Simons residence on December 13 by Sgt. Michael Davis of the Glynn Brunswick Narcotics Enforcement Team on three counts of Terroristic Threats on a Police Officer, one count of Use of a Communication Device to Facilitate a Felony, and one count of Harassing Communications. Cowman, the victim of an armed robbery in mid November in which cash and a large amount of marijuana were reported stolen, allegedly began making threatening phone calls to Sgt. Davis on December 12. Apparently Cowman got Davis’s cell phone mistakenly thinking it belonged to the person who had robbed him. Cowman called repeatedly even after Davis told him he had the wrong phone number and identified himself as a police office. It was not until he used a phone video conferencing application to communicate with the investigators that Cowman finally realized with whom he was communicating and hung up.