Brunswick-Glynn County Joint Water & Sewer Commission Press Release
Brunswick-Glynn County Joint Water & Sewer Commission has posted a new item,'All-Clear for Boil Water Advisory Issued for the Exit 29 Service Area inBrunswick on 5/23/17'Effective immediately, as of 10:56 AM on Thursday, May 25, 2017, all requiredmicrobiological testing of water samples from the area affected by the boilwater advisory issued for the Exit 29 Service Area in Brunswick on May 23, 2017has passed. Results have been verified by our state-licensed technician within acertified laboratory environment.This notification is an ALL-CLEAR and water used for drinking will no longerneed to be boiled.Though the water from this system can now be considered to meet safe drinkingwater standards, please discard any ice made within the last 48 hours.What is a Boil Water Advisory? READ MORE HEREYou may view the latest post at
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