County: Sasser in Custody


Ga.- On Monday May 15, 2018, Glynn County Police Lieutenant Robert Corey Sasser turned himself in to the Glynn County Sheriff’s Office on two outstanding arrest warrants: Simple Battery and Criminal Trespass, both under the Family Violence Act. Chief Magistrate Judge Alex Atwood released Sasser on bond with certain conditions applying.


On Thursday, May 17, 2018, at about 4:30 PM the Glynn County Police Department received a call from a citizen who had a concern about Sasser’s welfare. Multiple Officers and Deputies began looking for Sasser to check his welfare. Glynn County Sheriff’s Office Deputies located him inside a vehicle in a wooded area off Georgia Highway 99. As Deputies approached, a gunshot was fired from within the vehicle. At that point, law enforcement learned Sasser was in violation of the conditions of his bond. Officers contained Sasser in the vehicle and Georgia State Patrol Special Weapons and Tactics Team was called. At about 1:30 AM on Friday, May 18, 2018, the GSP SWAT Team used less lethal force to take Sasser into custody. Sasser did not harm himself during this incident. He was turned over to the Glynn County Sheriff’s Office who transported him to the local hospital for treatment.


“This has been a long, difficult week for the Glynn County law enforcement community. We are working together to not only hold Sasser accountable for his actions but to also assist him in getting the personal help he needs,” said Police Chief John Powell


As always, local public safety personnel worked well together, and with state partners, for a peaceful resolution to this incident. The investigation into the incident which occurred Thursday evening is still under investigation.

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