Glynn Avenue Framework Unveiled

Consultant Denise Grabowski updated the City Commission Wednesday night on the Glynn Ave. Design Framework, a document that is intended to guide development along Glynn Ave. over time. A major bone of contention since the first drafts of the framework in 2016 was a 50 foot setback along the marsh to the east of Glynn Ave. The State requires a 25 foot setback from the marsh and the city design framework added another 25 feet to the state setback. Wednesdaynight Grabowski said they had reduced the city set back to 20 feet. But Ron Adams, who owns the former paint plant on Glynn Ave. with his family said the setback was still to much and constituted a taking of property. No decision was made on the framework. The city will continue to take public comment and will discuss it again at their next meeting.

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